Welcome to the
Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels
Industrial Alliance

Next event: RLCF Alliance Matchmaking and Project Showcasing sessions at the SMM International Maritime Trade Fair 2024 on 3 of September


RLCF Alliance Project Pipeline

What is the RLCF Alliance Project Pipeline for?

The aim of this project pipeline is to help the industry in matchmaking with partners up-stream and down-stream, as well as connecting with potential finance providers. The projects will also be able to participate in project showcasing events and communicate to third parties about your project belonging to the Alliance Pipeline with the RLCF alliance Project Pipeline badge.

Projects in the pipeline will also be able to apply for RLCF Alliance seal of excellence, a future deliverable of the alliance under the revised RLCF Alliance Work Plan. We are also building this pipeline for active monitoring of project deployment so we can identify structural difficulties and resolve them swiftly.

The project pipeline will also be instrumental for future finetuning of EU and national support mechanisms.

Which projects can be submitted?


Projects can be at various stages of development, from early stages where you are looking for partners up-stream or down-stream, through projects who need financial backing, to projects near completion that need to increase visibility or off-taking.


For projects located in the EU, the ownership of the production is not restricted. However, projects located outside EU can only be submitted if they are controlled by an EU entity or other significant link with the EU value chain can be demonstrated.


Projects can be located in the EU or outside the EU. However, if your project is located outside EU and you are not an EU entity, additional justification of a link with the EU value chains will need to be demonstrated.

Scope of fuels

For projects that involve production or import of fuels would need to fall under the scope of technologies that can be used to fulfil legal requirements under the ReFuelEU Aviation or FuelEU Maritime regulations.

Destination of fuels

Projects that involve production of fuels and are located in the EU can produce maritime or aviation fuels for domestic uses or for exports. Projects located outside the EU need to demonstrate an intention to supply a majority of their production to parties who are obliged under the ReFuelEU Aviation or FuelEU Maritime, unless other significant links with the EU value chain can be demonstrated.

Sourcing of feedstock

As long as the feedstock is eligible under relevant EU legislation, projects can be supplied with feedstock for within the EU and outside.

Projects in the Pipeline:

Select filter

Madoqua Renewables

The Madoqua Synfuels project is a world-scale e-methanol project located in Pataias in the center of Portugal. Over the last two years, Madoqua Synfuels has been developed to comply with RED EU Regulations for the production of e-Methanol as a Renewable Fuel of Non-biological Origin (RFNBO), combining green hydrogen produced from renewable electricity and recycled CO2.
Fuel type:
RFNBO compliant e-methanol
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
Transport Segment:


The "HyFly" project involves the construction of an installation for the large-scale production of synthetic fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO) according to the Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) technology using RFNBO hydrogen and biogenic CO2. Thanks to the "HyFly" project, it will be possible to achieve a production capacity of approximately 70 kt/year of synthetic hydrocarbons, including high-quality synthetic, sustainable e-Jet RFNBO aviation fuel and valuable raw materials for petrochemicals. One of the main advantage of the "HyFly" project is its innovation using digital solutions. The first is real-time management of molecules, i.e. directing remaining products to appropriate refining and petrochemical installations in order to maximize the highest-margin products. The project will enable the implementation of CO2 emission reduction goals and the goals resulting from the ReFuelEU Aviation regulation implemented in Oct 2023 regarding the share of RFNBO and SAF in produced aviation fuels.
Fuel type:
E-kerosene RFNBO and e-lpg/e-naphtha
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
Transport Segment:

Uniper SE

SkyFuelH2 is an industrial-scale project for production of SAF. It will combine in a first-of-a-kind way electrolysis for hydrogen production, gasification of dried and torrefied biomass, Fischer-Tropsch technology for conversion of the syngas to crude and onsite hydro-treatment of the crude and workup for large-scale production of SAF and Sustainable Naphtha. The project is located in Northern Sweden, in the community of Solleftea, one of the most favorable regions with regards to renewable power supply and sustainable biomasses. The so-called power-and-bio-to-liquid process (PBtL) is achieving >90% more SAF yield than a pure BtL process and >10% more yield than two separate PtL and BtL processes.
Fuel type:
SkyfuelH2 is aiming to produce ca 77 kt/a of FT-SPK. The SAF from SkyFuelH2 will comply with ASTM D7566 Annex 1.The GHG reduction is between 88 to 95% (depending on the biomass sourcing distance). Besides, SkyfuelH2 will produce ca 16 kt/a of Sustainable Naphtha.
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
Transport Segment:

FF Frontier Fuels GmbH

With this project, we aim to conduct a small-scale pilot using our newly developed marine biofuel, Bloom E. This is our residual-grade biofuel that can be used as a drop-in solution in ocean-going vessels. This project involves the bunkering of 150 tons of a B30 biofuel and the monitoring of performance over roughly one week. Preparations include obtaining approval from engine manufacturers and classification societies, as well as working with a physical supplier for the fuel delivery. Preparatory onshore engine tests with a third-party laboratory are also possible. We aim to collaborate with innovative shipping companies interested in exploring the potential of novel biofuels to significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Further opportunities for collaboration include working with physical suppliers for the provision of the fossil component and handling of the bunkering process, as well as engaging with experts from regulatory agencies or classification societies.
Fuel type:
Liquid Marine Biofuels
TRL 5 – Technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)
Transport Segment:

Vital Energy Inc

Thermal Gasification technology; converting non recycled MSW and other waste fractions compliant to RED II (dry waste / not oils) to renewable power and RFNBO fuel green methanol. Our process feedstock does not include oils.
Fuel type:
Green methanol plus the potential for other hydrocarbon fuels.
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space)
Transport Segment:

Tree Energy Solutions

TES’s aim is to produce electric natural gas, e-NG which is a product of biogenic CO2 and green hydrogen. We will produce e-NG in locations characterised by an abundance of renewable energy within and outside the European Union. The most advanced projects are in Texas, US and in Canada. We are also developing projects within the European Union and a large import hub for e-NG in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. The applied technologies are existing and proven technologies. Two components will be the foundation of e-NG: green hydrogen and biogenic CO2. Green hydrogen will be produced via electrolysis including power from a renewable energy source; depending on the location this will be either wind or solar energy. To ensure that the electrolyser is always sufficiently supplied, an energy storage will be connected as well. The Sabatier reactor will transform green hydrogen and biogenic CO2 into e-NG which can be supplied to customers via the existing gas infrastructure.
Fuel type:
electric natural gas, e-NG
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space)
Transport Segment:

Nordic Electrofuel AS

To be completed soon.
Fuel type:
To be completed soon.
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
Transport Segment:
Maritime, Aviation

Arcadia eFuels

Arcadia eFuels will achieve our purpose by creating net zero carbon fuels that use existing infrastructure and work in existing engines. Our solution uses proven technology in a novel way to meet the significantly outpaced market demand. We intend to build multiple plants that will each produce 75,000 tons, or 100 million liters, of eFuels per year. Specifically, we’ll produce eDiesel and electro sustainable aviation fuel to power the transportation sector. Arcadia eFuels is advanced for the site in Vordingborg, Denmark and are currently in development for multiple other sites worldwide. We have finalized FEED (Basic engineering), have grid connection and secured CO2. Permitting is all handed in and we will be in public hearing mid 2024.
Fuel type:
We will produce eSAF for the aviation sector within the EU, all eSAF will be according to RFNBO-regulations
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space)
Transport Segment:

XFuels GmbH

The HyKero project for the industrial production of 53,000 tons per years PtL SAF is one of the selected 62 large hydrogen projects und EU IPCEI-hydrogen / CEEAG of the German government. HyKero is considered as an important project for the production of PtL SAF in Germany and part of the PtL-Roadmap. HyKero is part of the Saxonian hydrogen value chain LHyVE (Leipzig Hydrogen Value chain for Europe), a joint network of EDL, Leipziger-Group, VNG and Ontras, promoting the development of sustainable fuels and energy carriers in the region and beyond.
Fuel type:
PtL SAF, PtL naphtha and green hydrogen.
TRL 9 – Actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space)
Transport Segment:


Repsol has been developing the Ecoplanta Molecular Recycling Solution (Ecoplanta) project for several years, together with Enerkem as technological leader. It would be the first plant in Spain for non-recyclable municipal solid waste recovery into circular methanol that would be used to manufacture new materials and advanced biofuels. It is planned to be located in El Morell (Tarragona). The plant, which is expected to start operations in 2028, will process around 400,000 tonnes of non-recyclable urban solid waste per year, mainly from ecoparks (waste recovery and treatment plants) in nearby towns, which would be equivalent to the waste generated in a year by a population of 800,000 people, thus avoiding the use of virgin raw materials. Around 240,000 tonnes of circular methanol will be produced from this waste, which serves as a raw material for the production of circular materials and advanced biofuels.
Fuel type:
TRL 8 – System complete and qualified
Transport Segment:
Maritime, Aviation

EU Flag

The EU Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance is a voluntary collaboration of stakeholders from across the transport fuels and other relevant value chains, from sourcing to end-users, as well as technology and finance providers for each step in the value chain representing both the supply side and the demand side from aviation and waterborne sectors as well as civil society organisation and governments and their agencies.